Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Well another day in Oklahoma and the sun is still shining (NO RAIN ANYWHERE).

Last night was another long night. Nickie passed small amounts of blood and began to cramp; of course this all happens after we have left the hospital. Nothing ever happens while I am there only when I am 45 minutes away. Can anyone explain this to me? Why?

Of course lack of sleep wondering if the phone is going to ring or not ring. Wondering how she is holding up mentally; is Mike treating her OK; then you begin to worry about your other kids and how hateful you sounded to one of them earlier. Guilt starts setting in, then the realty of work. What I haven’t done, what needs to be done, and will I ever get it done. Between all of this, when do we sleep?

Good news, Nickie is OK. The uterus is growing, Destinie is growing and the blood is coming from the colon where the little one has decided to park her little butt. Hmm, I guess it’s softer there, you think? But her sugar count is high and they will be checking on this today.

Maria drove out of here this morning, and of course she came by my work to say good bye. Anyone who knows me knows I did not shed one single tear……. I shed them ALL. I told her we should say good bye at the house, we have visitors from England here and I didn’t need to mess up my makeup. But NOOOOOOOOO, we had to do this Maria’s way. Where she got that attitude I have no idea.

So, it looks like a good day, and a hot one to top that off. We have stayed in the 3 digits for the last 3 weeks with no rain in sight. They keep promising us rain, but no, it evaporates before land fall.

Keep us in your prayers and we are still holding on to a baby. Can you imagine how spoiled this little girl is going to be? Now you know it want be me spoiling her…..

Love to all


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Cuz!

Still praying! Wow, sounds hot there! Of course it's hot here, it is Alabama, but the humidity has been worse than the heat. We get small showers which just adds to it. Yesterday was good though. I went out one time and thought, man I can feel Fall coming. I'm sure it was just a tease, because they say today will be hotter than average. YUCK.

Tell Nikki, we're looking forward to seeing the little BABY!! (but in due time!) You need to practice posting pics on your blog, I'm sure you'll have a lot to post later! Oh, and by the way, save yourself some money, go and get a digital camera!

8:01 AM  
Blogger Cheryl Wray said...

It has actually been raining down here in Bama, which is really bizarre (like late afternoon showers almost every day!!) But, I'm feeling your pain about the heat!
Sounds like baby Destiny is just hanging on there. Such great news!!!!
Please keep us posted, of course!
(And try not to do commit murder anytime soon. I can NOT believe what a BUTT he is. I'd find it hard to hold back too--and I'm actually a very calm, non-angry person.)
Just help on holding on!!!
Still praying!!

10:59 AM  

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