Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It has been a long weekend, and I was out sick all day Monday but do have an update to the family who is waiting patiently for me to post my blog.

Maria came in last Thursday and has been a tremendous help with Nickie plus Nickie has been excited that her little sister has been here to help her with the days dragging by.

Friday was a good day and she was a little grumpy but who can blame her, being in a bed for two weeks, laying flat and not moving to do anything. I mean anything.

Saturday Maria and I awoke to have a nice cup of coffee before the day was to begin, but we received a phone call from Nickie at 8:30 AM. All hell broke loose.

Nickie was crying saying her water broke and she was having major cramps. I told her we were on our way and to just relax, it may not have been you water; there could something else going on. She didn’t want to hear that, and begin crying more. There was no consoling her at this point.

Maria ran to get dress and to be honest, I was in limbo. I didn’t know whether to scratch my watch or wind my ass at this point. It just couldn’t’ be happening. I didn’t feel it happening. I just knew there was more to this and that little girl was not going to be born.

While we were trying to get dress, Mike of course was showing his ass. While my mother was trying to calm Nickie down, she heard Mike in the back ground telling her to F—K Off and he was leaving. My mother went nuts and called me. Then I turned around and tried to call Nickie and the asshole kept hanging up on us while I am trying to talk to her. Now let’s think about this again ----- You think you are in labor, you want to talk to your Mother and your husband is hanging up the phone and telling you to F---- Off. Let’s just say I was not doing very well at this point. We can even go as far as me wanting to grab the 22 out of the gun cabinet and head to the hospital. Now let me say, this was all taking place when Dave is out of town and Tim is no where to be found.

As I am driving 45 minutes to the hospital all I can envision is me walking straight to him and punching his damn lights out. 1, 2, 3 the F----er is down. I go to jail with a smile on my face and the cops are laughing their ass off because a wimp has just got his ass whipped by his mother in law. I mean to tell you I wanted to feel the pain in my fist and the cuffs on my wrist. This ass hole was going down today.

But, as Mike’s luck would have it, he is in the room with Nickie, Maria, Dr. Harris and the nurse (Theresa). Oh Theresa also saw what was going on.

The Dr walked out the door and I followed. Told him the whole story and why Nickie is more frantic than usual. Dr. Harris walked back in the room and told Mike, “if she gets upset because of something you said, do or pretend to look towards, I will have you thrown out of this hospital. I do not care she is your wife, she is my patient and you are interfering with her and the baby’s risk of life”. YES!!!! We are going to throw your little skinny ass out the door and I get to watch you low life, no count, good for nothing, white trash looser. (Notice I didn’t use a curse word? – this time)

As things calmed down, they did an ultra sound and found the catheter was not working and her kidneys were full and was compressing on the uterus. Which of course will cause contractions and the feeling to push was real.

After working on the catheter and then replacing with a new, she began to feel some easement and things started to look a little brighter when Dr. Harris told her she had not lost any amniotic fluid; in fact she has more this time than she did the day before.

He pressured the hospital to transfer her to St John’s and on Saturday we transferred her to St Johns hospital where she is with the best Dr’s and the best neonatal Dr in Tulsa.

She was transported by EMSA and did very well. She stayed stable and things are still looking good.

Sunday I was back at the hospital and things seem to be calmer, or they appeared calmer.

I work with Dave on the truck all evening and then had to get dinner and my clothes ready for Monday. When I finally lay down around 10:30, I could not go to sleep. I tried all night long. 6:00 AM came and still no sleep. I could not function, but could not sleep. My body was on melt down, and my brain would not shut down.

I called in Monday thinking I could get some sleep. Nope, no sleep; I would just sit there looking and nothing would happen. Finally 3 valiums later; I fell asleep around 9:00 PM. It took 3 to knock me out and I still woke up this morning tired.

I have got to find a better way to handle this. We have to get her to 28 to 30 weeks for the baby to make it with no problems.

Please pray for Nickie, Destinie, me and Mike; because I am going to kill that boy yet. I have been praying to have a healthy baby, now we need to add more that Nickie does not loose her sanity and I do not kill Mike. Hurt maybe, just not kill him.

Maria will be leaving tomorrow around lunch and we are back on schedule again, just me.

Love to all


Blogger Unknown said...

I hate that you guys are going through this... Is there anything I can do short of killing him for you? :) If you send him down this way, I can probably handle that for you too! Doesn't he have something to pick up down here? I miss you cuz and we're praying.....

4:06 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

LOL, and where did you get this "patiently waiting" stuff!!?? I've been emailing and demanding a post!

10:51 AM  

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