Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I know I have posted today, but I need to vent a little and let a little cry and sigh come out. My daughter - who is expecting my second grandchild has receieved yet another day of bad news.

Her placentia is still to low for them to place the sling inside her cervix. The cervix is beginning to thin and we are right back to where we started a year ago with Lillie, (my grandaughter who only lived 1 hr 40 mintues). I just left her side and she is devasted.

What do you do? You hold them, tell them it will be fine, it's in God's hands, but; to watch your daughter suffer is heartening.

I sit here and wish I could take all this pain away from her, make it right and make all the bad go away.

You drive back to the office and you see mothers mistreating their children, hear on the news parents leaving their child in the car, and your thoughts, "All my daughter wants is one child, one child to love, care far and make that child her own."

She will see another specialist on Thursday and we go from there. With God's blessing and God's will, we will make it through this because, "What does not kill us, makes us stronger" or so they say.


Blogger Toya said...

OMG, this post just got to me, hopefully things get better, I really do not have any words right now!

6:07 PM  
Blogger Cindy Barb said...

Thank you Toya, just the thoughts help others and your post helped me. I just took a glance before I begin work at your post and you are so talented. I will give another post on Thursday after the Dr's appt. Again, thank you for your thoughts

9:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Cuz!

I just found out you have a blog too! Now, I'll keep up with you as well.

I hate to hear the news today :(

Miss you guys and now that I know your "on" I'll keep up!

1:09 PM  
Blogger Cheryl Wray said...

Hey Cindy--I'm just so sad for Nikki and all of you. She has been through so much trying to have a baby, and I will be praying HARD for her. We will pray that this pregnancy will work out!!!

11:17 AM  

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