Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Why do we spill coffee on the way to work?

Ok, I am on my way to work, late (as usual). I had to take my husband by to pick up his truck witch was in the shop (again as usual). I pick up my nice hot 20 oz cup of cappochino and then guess what? All over me!!!! My pants, shirts, shoes, floor board and steering wheel. Needless to say, Dave sat there really quite. Just kinda stared at me waiting for the words to pour out of my mouth. I was so proud of myself, I just looked at him quietly and said, "Would you please look in the glove compartment and hand me some napkins?" He did, still quiet and gently handed them to me, and I wiped off the steering wheel, (why should I do my clothes anyway they were wringing wet?)

I drove a little bit, he touches my arm and says, "I love you..." I look at him, not smiling and said, "I love you too, now sit there and shut up!" I know, I know, he was trying to be nice, I was trying not to curse, because I was mad at him for making me late. OK, I would have been late any way, but today was HIS fault, lol. I know men can win right?

Oh did I tell you I was wearing a WHITE shirt? I think I left that part out. I walk in the office and straight to the ladies room. We have t-shirts here with our logo and I am now wearing that, ugh! I still smell the coffee on my pants, so I think I may take a trip to my sons apartment and clean up some more. To be honest, this is killing me today.

The funny thing, have you ever put on a shirt on in the morning and didn't like the way if felt? Well, I didn't like the shirt I had on, in fact, I didn't like the way my bra felt this morning..... So, did I do this on purpose, was this a sign? I don't know, but I am now wearing shirt I hate more.


I drove my my daughter to the Dr., and Nicole has Placenta Pravia. The placenta has tried to pull for the wall of the uterus and developed three blood clots between the wall and the placenta. Dr. Harris said, there is still a good chance she can carry this baby, but strict bed rest had to be done. Nicole was a little upset, but as the Dr explained to her, blood pressure and stress will only effect the problem. She really need to stay calm and he went on the explain he had deliver several babies with no problems and the Moms went almost full term.

If we can get 6 to 8 weeks more, Destiny will be OK. Prayers from all would help, because I believe in the power of prayer.

We have another Dr.'s appt on Aug 1st and we will know more then.

Also, her cervix was beginning to show signs of thickening again, which is fantastic.

Well, the dilema today is, should I deal with coffee pants to go and buy more............

Have a good day all..... Any may your coffee stay in your cups.

Monday, July 24, 2006

It's sunshining outside with a cool wind coming in from the south, the dogs are lying in the grass sunning. I take my cup of coffee to the back deck and sit to watch the humming birds play.

I reflect on my weekend and a tear falls with sadness. I am sitting in Oklahoma with so much going on between my daughter and my health and I wonder how my fav cousin and Aunt are holding up.

My parents left after being with me for 3 weeks to help out getting my daughter back and fourth to the Dr, hoping for the surgery. It was a sad Saturday morning around 6:30, but I didn't know at 8:30 it would become sadder. Mr Doug Levins - a man who has been a part of my life since birth passed away. My 1st cousin's grandfather, my Aunt's father and to me (kind a like a distance grandfather). Mr. Levins was close with my family in so many ways.

What hurts more? People do not have a since of closeness that Gary and I grew up with, and that burdens my soul. So many people miss out of love and what love can bring.

When you married into this family, your entire family married into it one way or another. Uncle Larry is my mothers brother, he married my Clara which of course, is my Aunt (fav if I might add), then Aunt Clara had parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levins. It wasn't nothing to see them during the week with Aunt Clara growing up. Stopping by to see them, or family get togethers (we all get together). Did you all get that WE ALL got together. It wasn't nothing to have 25 + people in one house having dinner.

I wish I could be there for them and wish I could just hold them. Isn't it wonderful to have a family like that? Am I rich or what? I do not need money, material items I have family. We have our quirts, spats and down and out fights; but when it all comes down to one thing, we are family.

My prayers are with the Levins family and my memories will always be there.