This has been a week full of surprises and some not so surprised.
I knew I was going to terminate an employee, but I didn’t know he was going to scream, curse, threaten my life and spit in my face. Now that was a surprise.
Now to my surprise I will have and AIDS test ran for precaution. But, lets think on this; how many times do I have to be tested? What if that man had AIDS? Do I get to press other charges? Maybe I should have employees wear a spit guard from now on while I am in the process of termination. You think?
The following day I receive a phone call regarding one of my employees; the police were picking him up for a bench warrant. (From my phone conversation with the gentleman he was a police officer). Though to my surprise we had bounty hunters looking for him. What an exciting day, watching “Dog the Bounty Hunter” take place in your on facilities. To bad it wasn’t “Dog”. But I will have to admit, there was adrenalin rush while this was taking place.
Exciting week? Yes, do I was to do this again next week? No.
Oh and my husband sold his truck, and yet he has not bought another one. Where is the second income? I don’t know. When will he get another truck? Again, I don’t know. What do men think? Let me rephrase that question; do men think? No, I don’t think so.
I guess men think we have fairies that live up our butts and we just pull out the answers to all the problems; or at least resolve the problems. It is times like these I wonder; why did I get married again? I was really happy single and raising my kids, I just didn’t know how happy I was until I got married.
Now the weekend is upon us, do I clean house for him to mess up, do I sit and drink my tea while he hunts and still does not bring home a deer. Or do I scream and complain about how life is unfair and I want out. Hmm, those who know me know I will clean this weekend, (especially the grease he brought in on my carpet), I will support his decision on selling his truck (stupid) and I will be there when he brings the deer home to cut up in my clean kitchen. Will I be happy about it, HELL NO! But I will be there.
To all, have a good weekend and I think I am going to go home and start on the tequila sunrises early.