I haven’t posted in a while and I just do not have the time or the talent Gary and Cheryl seem to have to do this blog thing. But, I needed to give an update and am trying to make time. I would love to do some pics, but, I need to get me a camera. I might use the company's camera this weekend and post some stuff on Monday.
With that said; Nicole is holding her own and doing very well at the moment. Last night was a bit of a scare and I just kept my faith and reassured her nothing was going to happen. So, let me start from the beginning:
I leave work at 5:30 for the hospital to give Nickie her sponge bath, wash her hair, and change her clothes and sheets. It seems her husband is helpless, or so it seems. I arrive and have a quick dinner with her before we begin the process because it takes a lot out of her and me (about 1 ½ to 2 hours). I am putting the trays away and she says, “Mom get the nurse I think my water broker; my heart just fell to my feet. I looked at her and said, “Are you sure Nickie, are you sure it’s your water and not some urine?” She said, “NO MOM! I know what I felt and it’s not coming from the catheter.”
The nurse comes in, takes a look and said they will call the Dr to see what test they want ran on her. We wait patiently until the head nurse comes in to listen for the sounds of the baby. She couldn’t find her, and then she called another nurse, then another. Finally they had to use another doppler and found Destinie’s heart beat – 142 to 146 beats a minute, which is good. You can imagine what was going through my head while they were searching the babies’ heart beat. They kept going lower and lower to find it.
They tested her for amniotic fluid and it change colors but not the blue color they were looking for, more of a green. We are now putting on a pad on Nickie to make sure she is not leaking. We have to WAIT; on what I had not idea and was still staying calm. Thank God, he keeps me this way these days.
Now it’s about 8:30 and we have come to the realization, it was not amniotic fluid, but the stuff they had to put in her for the yeast infection she has developed from all the medications she is taking and possibly urine leaked from the catheter. I was pretty close to what the green was; just keeping Nickie calm was a challenge.
She would just lay there and not show any emotion and stare at the ceiling. I would talk about something, make some stupid face and ask dump questions about a show we were trying to watch to keep her mind occupied, (HOUSE) I love that show.
Well, around 9:00 I left for home, things were calm and I had a 45 minute drive home. She called around 10:00 and said they did another test and everything was the same no fluids were coming out.
Of course I could not fall asleep until midnight and 5Am came early this morning. I still have to go to the hospital to bath her tonight and wash her hair. I can’t say no, because she hasn’t had a bath since Saturday when I spent the night with her. So, it will make her feel better and maybe sleep better and stay calm.
Now, what do we do with Mike other than kill him? He says he is so confined in the hospital and he can’t take the smell, and it reminds him to much of loosing Lillie. So help me when this baby is born, I pray the Lord gives me the common since not to know him over the head with a hammer.
Now, Allen. He is working as a prison guard now. Yep, you read right, he is working for a minimum security jail as a guard. This will help with his criminal justice degree; he says and when he graduates he will have been working in an officer’s field of work. He loves it! I think he loves ordering people around to be honest, lol.
Maria said she will be coming in Friday, I am not sure on the date yet, but from my understanding it will be Friday morning.
They will be moving Nickie to St John’s Hospital on Monday or Tuesday because she will be in her 23rd weed and the baby is considered viable and will try to save. Nickie said if the baby is born NOW she wants to recessitate NOW! And I will be backing her up.
Well, this is all for now and I need to get back to work and hope all is well with you