Thursday, February 12, 2009

I think I'm back!!!!

I think I am back in the saddle again. After going through cancer and a stroke, I feel almost like myself again. Life is GOOD!!!!

I have some pictures I would like to share of the family, and of course you know I have to show off my grandchild. To be a grandmother -- there are no words I can think of but JOYFUL. As you can see he has lipstick all over his face, because I WAS KISSING ON HIM!!!!!!

Now for my son the one who just wanted out of High School, went back to college has 1 more year for his bachelors in Criminal Law and he is currently working for Homeland Security. He makes me so proud.

My Maria, the one who moved away from her dear old mother..... SHE IS BACK IN SCHOOL!!!!! The Lord does answer our prayers, doesn't he?

OK Cheryl, Gary and Aunt Clara. I will be back and up dating as often as possible and posting pictures of everyone. Now I just have to figure out how to use my camera?!


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow your last post before this was Nov of 2007!!!

Glad your back!!

8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy Good to see you back. How are you doing?


12:09 PM  

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