Thursday, September 28, 2006

Can't fool the family can we?

I made a mistake and posted. I was going to go back and delelte, but had several distractions along the way; totally forgot about it later. Not that my family would understand how I seem to forget things.

Besides work, Dave made an urgent phone call to let me know, (drum roll) the engine blew in his truck. Now, let's think on this for a moment ------- I am tired of thinking. What to do, what to do? Do we spending 10K on a new motor or do we trade in on a new truck with payments? Think again ----- I have to stop, my head hurts. I don't want to think anymore.

Then we have the delimma of hunting season. Sunday is the first day of hunting season (bow hunting). We are more worried about hunting than we are about the truck. Again, let's think on this -- thinking, thinking, thinking. I think I am going to kill him.

Then I came across the little prayer and I thought you would all enjoy this one. Oldie but a goodie. You see, this is how I felt this morning.

So my dear family, which I love all so much. Between work and Dave I have been really busy. By they way, Nicole is doing well (as far as I can tell). Mike seems to have a strong hold on her still. But she did tell me one thing. She said she will try again later. I just hope she giver herself time to heal. I know I need time.

OK, the boss will be gone tomorrow and just maybe, maybe I can get Allen's camera and take come pictures of the house this weekend and post them for you. Since I know you guys will never come to Oklahoma.......hint hint


Blogger Cheryl Wray said...

Boy, you just can't a break from all of us huh?
I love that prayer! I've heard it many times before and it sure true!!! My days go really smooth until I have to get up and face everything!!
Yuck about the truck!
Are you going hunting?

5:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


Awww you don't need a truck... Bow Hunting is an important stress reliever! Must let him go hunting!!!

The truck will get fixed :)

ok, so I guess you need the truck to get money to be able to pay bills and stay WARM on those cold Oklahoma winters... or you could just move South and live under an overpass and go hunting through our 3.5 month deer season!!!!

You don't want to know which one I would pick!! LOL

11:57 AM  
Blogger the not so "new" mom on the blog said...

I have that prayer stuck up on my wall in my office lol! Hope you are keeping well?

5:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I read your post on C's blog... You had to dress up like an old hag???

Bet that didn't take long! Bwahahahaha

3:27 PM  

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